Saturday, February 19, 2022

Yellow vs. Green in "Wordle"

For Wordle haven't we always thought that green was better than yellow?

I find it rather strange that this scored word


matches a single word on the purported official list of 2315 possible secret words in original Wordle, but this scoring of the same word


matches a dozen.

Monday, February 14, 2022

A Puzzle

This is a Wordle-like puzzle. You are looking at a word evaluated the way Wordle evaluates words. With this one evaluated word you should have all the information you need to deduce the secret word.


I've posted several of these on Facebook. The thing is that I create the evaluated word in HTML using HTML's ability to provide background coloring. But Facebook seems not to want to accept the snippet of HTML. So I've been posting screenshots of the HTML there. The question as I write this is whether Blogger will accept the HTML for an evaluated word.

It seems to work here. Well, almost. The HTML is coded so that the squares containing the letters should all have the same width, as well as the same height. I guess it's close enough.